

Dear all

Recently we had an incident where one of our staff was sent to
attend a stock take at a very unhygienic environment.  We did
not know beforehand that the environment was so bad but
nevertheless, our staff displayed great professionalism by
finishing the stock take.  

Please remember that the safety and health of our people are always
our top priorities.  As we often need to travel and work at
clients’ premises, you should let your supervisors such as
AIC/MIC/PIC know immediately if ever you think that there is a
danger to your safety or health.  Also, as supervisors,
AIC/MIC/PIC please make reasonable enquiries that your staff’s work
condition is safe and hygienic.


Paul Siu
Managing Partner

Eastern China






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2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in Hong Kong SAR, Deloitte Touche
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—– Message from [email protected] on Tue, 06 Jul 2010
10:58:27 +0800 —–


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